Some interesting correlations of the 19 degree Cancer Eclipse, which occured on the 11th July 2010 and the eclipse chart for the home of where the now famous Octopus Paolo resides, Oberhausen Germany.
Famous for correctly predicting the outcome of the German soccer teams fate in the 2010 World Cup. As Germany were favourites to win all games the subaquatic sybil sensed best and constantly went against the odds to pick a winner.
The Eclipse at 19 degees happened exactly on the angle of the descendent the begining of the 7th house.The 7th House associated with competitions and sporting events!
The eclipsed Sun/Moon is in bi -quintile aspect 144 degrees to Neptune and 72 degrees quintile to Saturn. Different energies are at work here. Quintiles are a division of the circle by 5, and represent special gifts of a mercurial and venusian nature, magical and often unseen. The bi-quintiles accentuate this, and show profound and unusual gifts. With the Sun/Moon connected to Neptune and Saturn, these gifts have been surely shown and manifest by this predictive Octopus.
The eclipsed Sun/Moon is in bi -quintile aspect 144 degrees to Neptune and 72 degrees quintile to Saturn. Different energies are at work here. Quintiles are a division of the circle by 5, and represent special gifts of a mercurial and venusian nature, magical and often unseen. The bi-quintiles accentuate this, and show profound and unusual gifts. With the Sun/Moon connected to Neptune and Saturn, these gifts have been surely shown and manifest by this predictive Octopus.
Mercury in Leo in the 7th is inconjunct Pluto in 12th house, picking the winner from the psychic depths held by the creature, and highlighting the global and collective focus on this massive sporting event.
Mercury trine Jupiter/Uranus adding to this bizarre yet fascinating aspect of the World Cup. Who woulda thunk!
Sedna, Goddess of the Ocean creatures conjunct the IC and sextile eclipse shows how soulful, special these creatures are.
Sedna opposite Scorpio MC(suits an octopus with all those tentacles) Scorpio also a very psychic water sign and as Scorpio is ruled by Mars, with Mars in 8th house sextile the eclipse, strengthens the power held by the Octopus at this time
The trine of the eclipse degree to Jupiter-Uranus in the 2nd, indicates perhaps someone's going to get rich outta this messenger from the deep.
No matter if some think this creature is truly psychic or just picking the winners by the colours of the flags he prefers, I think its great that our amazing sea creatures are taking part in World events.
Don't ya love it!