Thursday, January 13, 2011

Queenslands floods - an astro analysis

Flooding in Australia – an astro analysis

Submitted by agent 144 Peter Burns

A national ingress horoscope is drawn up for the time when the Sun reaches the vernal equinox at 0° Aries. At this point I tis travelling northward across the equator. The horoscope is set for the nation’s capital and is used to forecast events for the following year.

Since March 2010 Australia has been awash with floods. To date 4 serious events have been recorded with the Queensland crisis still ongoing. These 4 events are listed at the end of this article.

Flooding can be clearly seen in Australia’s 2010 ingress horoscope through the eyes of the contemporary astrologer and also the traditional astrologer.

Traditional view

The traditional indicator for floods is Jupiter in Pisces. One of the underlying interpretations for Jupiter is excess and Pisces rules water. Jupiter in Pisces has often been associated with heavy rain. Jupiter is in the first house of Australia’s horoscope.

The land and is crops and mineral wealth is represented by the fourth house and its ruler. The fourth house has Taurus on the cusp in the 2010 ingress horoscope for Australia. The ruler of Taurus is Venus. Venus is in the sign of its detriment in Aries in the third house (it is within 5° of the third house cusp). A planet in its detriment has difficulty functioning.

Jupiter is in antiscia opposition to Venus. This aspect is shown in red in the horoscope above. Antiscia show the planetary shadow as it falls across the solstice axis. In traditional astrology an opposition is considered to be the most negative aspect. Jupiter’s antiscia opposition to Venus brings heavy rain and flooding to the land. The latest flooding hit crisis point around the time when transiting Venus crossed the Midheaven of the 2010 ingress horoscope.

The Moon at 26° Taurus is conjunct the fixed star Algol. Algol is infamous or its association with disaster. The Moon conjunct Algol is conjunct the fourth house cusp, which represents the land farms crops and mining.

From a traditional astrological viewpoint the flooding in Australia in 2010/2011 is clearly represented by Jupiter in Pisces and its antiscia opposition to Venus, ruler of the fourth house; and also the Moon’s conjunction with Algol and the fourth house cusp.

Contemporary view

Contemporary astrologers view Neptune as the planet which rules flooding. Neptune conjoins the Ascendant in Australia’s 2010 ingress horoscope. Planets which conjoin the Ascendant are considered to be especially significant by astrologers.

Neptune is exactly squared by the Moon which sits on Algol, as discussed above. This aspect is shown in green in the horoscope above. The Moon in a mundane horoscope represents the common people. The people are experiencing disastrous flooding.

The Moon also makes a square aspect to Uranus, the planet which represents surprise, reform and sometimes shock. Uranus is in Pisces the sign of water. Uranus is working through through the water element.

The power of ingress horoscopes

Both the traditional and the contemporary view of astrology provide convincing evidence of the power and accuracy of national ingress horoscopes. From a contemporary viewpoint Neptune’s symbolism accurately reflects the current situation.

In previous articles I have mentioned the power of ingress to represent national events. My post on the Arizona Shootings is one example. Others include my successful prediction for date of the 2010 Australian federal election, and my post on the Australian election.

2010/2011 flooding events in Australia

March 2010: Heavy rain in March 2010 saw much of south western and central Queensland undergo major flooding.
Early September 2010: Floods a widespread across the state of Victoria Australia.
December 2010: Carnarvon/Gascoyne region in Western Australia (December).
December 2010 – January 2011: Vast areas of Southern and Central Queensland, an area the size of Germany and France combined are in flood, plus areas in northern NSW. Hundreds of roads closed, including nine major highways. Coal railway lines are closed and numerous mine sites flooded.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Arizona Shooting - a brief astro-analysis

Posted by agent 144 Peter Burns
To gain an astrological understanding of the Arizona shootings of Rep Gabrielle Griffords, a US judge, and others in Tucson Arizona on January 8 2011, we need look no further than the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA and the January 4 partial solar eclipse set for America’s capital Washington DC.

January 4 Solar eclipse and the USA natal horoscope

The solar eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn directly opposed the Sun in the USA Sibley horoscope and squared Saturn in this horoscope.

The Sun represents the country’s rulers and Gabrielle Griffords is an elected representative.
During a solar eclipse light of the Sun, which represents reason, is eclipsed, allowing repressed and irrational lunar energies to manifest.
Saturn is the natural ruler of the forces of restraint and when aligned with the Sun suggests an element of self doubt. In this case Saturn is positioned in the sign of Libra, the sign of its exaltation, showing that the emotional energies represented by the nation's Sun in Cancer are tempered with the need for diplomatic judgement. The Jan 4 2011 solar eclipse square aspect to Saturn tests this capacity for judgement and restraint at this time of national tragedy.

Venus in Scorpio
In this solar eclipse horoscope Venus conjoins the Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio represents a very personal and focused expression of emotional energy, where the pain of rejection and hurt is stored for later release in the form of retribution and revenge. Venus is at 26º Scorpio, exactly opposes the Moon in the ingress horoscope for the USA in 2010.
In the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon makes an exact square to Neptune which is in the 8th house of death. Saturn is the 8th house ruler placed in a powerful position conjunct the base of the horoscope (called the ‘IC’).
This connection between Venus in the solar eclipse horoscope for the USA and the Moon-Neptune square in the ingress horoscope for the USA is significant.

The solar eclipse and the shooting
Students of astrology who have studied antiscia (planetary shadows across the solstice axis) will notice that the eclipse point at 13.39 Capricorn is exactly conjunct by antiscia the Midheaven of the Arizona Shooting horoscope. Antiscia have an association with hidden energies and the Midheaven is associated with public events.

This public tragedy has in some sense exposed hidden energies. Because this is a solar eclipse, it is the hidden lunar energies which are expressed. The powerful symbolism combining the solar eclipse with the Midheaven is a reminder of the power and energy contained within eclipses.

Meaning of an ingress horoscope

An ingress is a horoscope drawn up for a country’s capital at the moment the Sun reaches the vernal equinox, and represents the fortunes for that country over the following year. Planets which make aspects to significant points in this horoscope usually represent significant events.

The fixed star Algol
In the ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is the Ascendant ruler, which is normally considered to be especially important by astrologers. In the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is conjunct the fixed star Algol in the eleventh house. Algol is traditionally regarded as a powerful star associated with the need for decisive action. The inappropriate use of this powerful energy is associated with disaster and ‘losing one’s head’ in a literal or symbolic manner. Gabrielle Griffords was shot in the head.
The eleventh house is the 2nd house from the 10th house, the house of government, and therefore represents the government’s assets and support. Gabrielle Griffords was one of the government’s elected representatives.

Arizona Shooting Horoscope

The horoscope for the Arizona Shooting has the Moon, which symbolizes 'the action' within the horoscope, conjunct the Ascendant at 7 º Pisces. The base (IC) of the solar eclipse is 7º Pisces. This exact connection reveals a strong connection between the the shooting and the solar eclipse 4 days previous to this event.
The Moon also represents the common people, and its position on the Ascendant shows the emotional response of the American people to this shocking event.

The use of ingress eclipse and event horoscopes
Ingress horoscopes are one of the primary tools employed by mundane astrologers to evaluate the fortunes of a nation for the year ahead. Mundane astrology is associated with world and political events. When ingress horoscopes are combined with eclipse horoscopes planetary connections can describe events accurately. This is especially true in this example because the solar eclipse horoscope makes a powerful connection to the national USA horoscope.
The natal horoscope for the USA represents symbolizes the energies for the nation. The ingress chart shows how these energies express over the coming year. The solar eclipse horoscope shows a specific focus for the release of these energies. The event horoscope for the Arizona Shooting is one manifestation of this energetic release.
There may be other manifestations which are beyond the scope of this article. Hopefully these manifestations will have a positive aspect.

The Tuscon Arizona Shootings an Astrological perspective.

Here in the USA it seems we are all reeling from the recent political violence in Arizona. While the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner left behind some youtube videos that pick up on some tropes generally associated with right wing politics his own political thinking is not very clear, and apparently neither are the rest of his thoughts.

A lot of people are connecting this shooting to conservative political imagery – rifle sights targeting Democratic congressional seats, etc. As with most political shockers different people are loudly putting out different analyses. My own astro-analysis starts with four key charts and adds a fifth that came in late.

Tucson Shooting(Chart Above)

Jan 8, 2011, 10:15 AM

Tucson Arizona, USA

RR: A -- News Reports

Jared Loughner (the shooter)

Sept, 10, 1988,

Apparently Arizona (chart drawn for Tucson)

RR: XX Time unknown, solar chart for 12 noon MST

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, D –AZ

June 8, 1970

Tucson, Arizona, USA

RR: X Time unknown, solar chart for 12 noon MST

Source: Wikipedia

John McCarthy Roll

Feb. 8, 1947

Pittburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

RR: X Time unknown, solar chart for 12 noon PST

Source: Wikipedia

What really jumps out are two birthdates and the event on the 8th of the month and one on the 10th, so in all four charts the Sun is at 17-19 degrees, and all earth (the event and the shooter) or air (the victims). Early Cardinal degrees also seem active in the three birth charts anticipating the Pluto-Uranus square.

Giffords 4 Aries Mars

Giffords 4 Libra Uranus

Shooting 5 Capricorn Pluto

Roll 5 Aries Eris

Laughner 6 Cancer Chiron

Loughner 7 Capricorn Neptune

Loughner 9 Aries Mars

Giffords 9 Aries Chiron

7-9 Cardinal are degrees that June Crane has linked to earthquakes and I see that consistently in SF’s big quakes. We may be looking at a tectonic shift in politics here. We may hope for a retreat to sanity. I’ve been noticing aspects to Eris for this year suggesting further polarization, people will be knocked off the fence. The best I can hope for with that would be “moderates” saying that we’ve had enough of the proto-fascist screaming and childish outbursts of the Tea Party movement, realizing that “being nice” only allows them more room, that the hateful language and violent imagery should not be tolerated. Gifford is actually a very conservative/libertarian sort, an ex-Republican and current “blue dog” Democrat; strongly pro-military and a supporter of “gun rights,” but she is also pro-choice and voted for Obama’s health care bill. She is no Malcolm X or Harvey Milk. In recent decades she would have been considered a moderate conservative, and only now, with the recent slide to the right could she be called a “liberal.” If such a moderate is a target for political crazies who is safe?

Much has been made of Sarah Palin’s incendiary language and graphics, and Sharon Angle’s call for “second amendment solutions.” (Obvious to Americans, this refers to our Constitution’s vaguely/confusingly written “right to bear arms.”) I don’t see any astrological connection to Sarah Palin (Feb. 11, 1964, 4:40 PM PST, Sand Point, Idaho) but Sharon Angle (July 26, 1949, Klamath Falls, Oregon, time unknown) has Mars and Uranus at 2 Cancer and Eris at 7 Aries.

Those outer planets and Mars at the cardinal points are mostly catalytic and too often violent, but they can be purgative and warn of horrors, offering the chance to descend into them or to create bold new alternatives. With Chiron connecting here in both Loughner’s and Giffords’ charts we can hope that this crisis will be the scarring/healing turning point that America so badly needs. At the very least it is a warning of where the currents have been leading and an alarm to turn away from the languages and images of gunmanship and other violence.

I don’t work with declinations much, but included those in my sorting process. There the interesting part was that in the event chart the North Node was at 23s24 just barely in bounds. The shooter has Uranus OOB, the apparent target has Venus and Mars OOB and the most prominent of the murdered has Pluto OOB. With Venus and Mars OOB, not especially relevant here, but Giffords’ husband is an astronaut!

Christina Taylor Greene

Sept. 11, 2001, 12:50 PM EDT

Maryland (exact place unknown/using Baltimore.)

Source: “Children of Hope”

Christina Taylor Greene, the nine-year-old girl killed in the shooting adds another fascinating wrinkle. She was born in Maryland on Sept. 11, 2001 at 12:50 PM EDT, just a few hours after the attack on the World Trade Center. Her exact birth place is unknown, but Maryland is a smallish state. The AC could conceivably be anything from 28:40 Scorpio to 2:49 Sagittarius. Most of Maryland, including both of its major population centers – Baltimore and the Washington DC suburbs, are well with in the Saj rising range. I’m using a Baltimore chart. She was athletic, curious about the world, optimistic, outgoing, ran for student council, so the Saj rising at least seems pretty safe.

Her North Node at 3 Cancer and Jupiter at 11 Cancer are a bit outside, but frame the critical Cardinal degrees and both are in her 8th house. Her sun at 19 Virgo lines up closely with the four suns in the other charts I just presented. In the 10th house her Sun is closely semi-sextile Venus and quincunx Eris ,and square to Pluto in Saj in her 1H. Those three planets are all in a grand trine. Other grand trines in her chart have a close Saturn in Gemini 7H and Mercury in Libra 11H both trining Uranus and Neptune (NOT in conjunction!) in her 3H. These air trines suggest a political messenger, and the other aspects on top of the very symbolic birthtime seem to hint at a fated sacrificial princess. Two days earlier I would have seen tremendous potential in this girl. The hopes and dreams she carried may yet burn bright.

Jack Fertig

Agent 8.5
San Francisco

For futher astrological insights on these recent events, see these posts by some of our other Agents.

Agent 144 - Peter Burns

Agent 42 - Ed Tamplin