On the 21st July 2010 we got news of an incredble new discovery found in the Cosmos. In a galaxy far, far away within the Tarantula Nebula 165 million light years away, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a new star was born to human consciousness. A very big Star, an enormous star, the biggest star ever found. Named for the moment R136a1, it is a super-supergiant star and is also considered to be a very different species of star that hasn't existed in theory prior to this discovery. As the diagram above shows the dwarfing of our own Sun in comparison to this Mega Giant.
R136a1,holds 265 solar masses, it is 8,700,000 times more luminous than our Sun and is continually shedding large portions of its own mass in continual violent outbursts. It is estimated that at its birth the star held 320 solar masses and has been losing 50 solar masses every few million years. More info about the Star can be found here.
The day we heard this most incredible news is very interesting astrologically.As we were experiencing the last couple of weeks of Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, the final Saturn Uranus opposition was looming and with a Jupiter Pluto square this news was astounding, but reflected the discovery quite profoundly.
Jupiter(mega), Uranus (discovery)and Aries(new) seem to reflect the hugeness of what was found. It was found in Chile by the Very Large Telescope, which will be superseeded by an Extremely Large Telescope in a few years time.Uranus, the first planet discovered by a telescope back in 1781,has always been associated with the telescope and of course relates to anything new, or strange, or never seen before. Jupiter rules expansion and moving beyond bounds and reflects the hugeness of the find, but can also be seen as a reminder that we never know everything, never enough and that it is best to keep our minds open. As it squares Pluto it can also be a reminder how our beliefs can be so easily shattered. From the known to the unknown and not knowing what comes' next is no doubt how many of us are feeling at the moment in the heat of the cardinal T-Square.
The Sun is exalted in Aries. This star may not be a Sun as we know it,but it is certainly a mega version.Aries rules vision and sight and together with Jupiter and Uranus this discovery can be seen as a message to us all, to first of all have a vision, keep a vision, see further, see beyond and into the beginings of a new era.
The Saturn and Neptune inconjunct is there too, the real and the unreal, they make up a Yod with the SUN. The sheer scope of this new star, reminds us of creation and super consciousness. The information of how the universe is constantly being created, is burning up, dying and forming again, can be seen as a symbol to re-create what's happening down here on earth too, as old sytems are dying and burning out. Saturn and Uranus build the new, design change. Saturn Neptune and Uranus combination remind us that creating a new world, is a hard task, some things just don't seem to change, quick enough, good enough, nor fair enough.
I was intrigued after learning of the discovery, to find out if someone had projected this monsterous new star onto the ecliptic. I googled the subject as I wasn't sure how to do it myself. I found this by a blogger astrologer, calling himself Javed.
Thanks to Javed, I found out that the Star sits at 6 deg 05 Aquarius. When posting this on Facebook, many people were excited to find out where that Star fits in their astrological charts. Of course we can't tell what it means yet and what it has to do with exactly, but from it's birth, we form much of it's meaning. You would imagine, huge new beginings, or a source of amazing and incredible ideas stemming from that part of a chart, but also a point where a Huge Ego perhaps may need some bursting.
Being projected onto Aquarius by longitude, gives us some further information. It's about new beginings for Man, something is brewing and with the rest of the T-square in the background at the moment we can sense the need for designing and creating a new future. What i sense right now is frustrated change and not knowing how to proceedd, but see this as a call for "going for it". We have no choice but move on, change and create a better future for the good of all beings!
So where does 6 - 7 Aquarius sit in your Chart? Look up nations, cities, leaders and event charts, can we get an idea of super leaders, super powers, super change and who and what will most likely embody it. One correlation I noticed recently is for the USA, 7 Aquarius is on the South Node of the July 4th independence charts of 1776. Is the USA about to be re-created? well not easily as the south node suggests, but the changes are massive.
As all this is Symbolic, we look to the Sabian Symbol of this degree of the zodiac as the blogger above did, to gain a deeper sense of meaning and connection to this profound new space object. It could not be more fitting time wise, with the state of the world at the moment and the looming desire for positive change, when we see that 7 Aquarius is:
The egg, the cosmic egg, the world egg, a univesal symbol of oneness, new beginings, spring, birth. It reflects the fickleness of the global situation, implied by the delicate eggshell, what emerges from this Cosmic Egg is still unknown, but how we nuture and care for what emerges is a key.
From Lynda Hills book "The Sabian Symbols", the interpretation of this degree is:
"it signifies new ways of doing things, with new directions and new solutions. It is the desire or willingness, to find new and original paths of new emergence. There is a possibility of the unleashing of rebellious energy. Many ideas and projects will die because they don't have enough initial capital, support or dedication to last the distance."
Not sure about you, but somehow it makes me feel better about what's going on in this world today!
From the edge of Chaos - A12
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