Agent 36 - Agent 144
My own take, the way I look at charts, read outcomes and make judgements, comes from a variety of techniques that I've learnt and adapted too, but mainly from what I sense overall when weighing up the odds, positive, negative, changeable, static or impossible to tell. Being a Pisces I look at the whole moving picture of planets, I read all the signs and symbols available and activated in any given chart, in this case to sense an outcome.
When Australia last went to the polls back in November 2007, after 11 years of a Howard goverment many Australians were itching for change. We celebrated big time when Kevin Rudd won, we'd had enough of little Johnny Howard. Mr Leo passed the baton to Mr Virgo.and Ms Libra- Julia Gillard was next on the PM agenda, already at this post for the last 2 months, we all ask will her reign continue?
On election day back in 2007, Uranus- Agent of change stationed direct and was a hopeful sign of a shift to occur, from the old goverment to a new one. Barack Obama was elected during the first Saturn - Uranus (back in 2008) opposition of the series which has just recently finished, just before Pluto moved into Capricorn and his CHANGE campaign proved to be a winner. I remember looking at the chart for Washington DC for that election date, Scorpio was rising and Uranus was in the 4th house, change seemed inevitable for the US and the first Afro- American president, simple yet significant examples of what was brewing on those days of change.
One of the traditional ways to look at what's in the air for a nation's year ahead, is to look at the Aries ingress chart, set for the capital of the year in question. When we consider the charts for the Aries Ingress 2010, we already knew it would be an election year. Neptune rises and is the only angular planet, angular meaning a planet that conjuncts an angle being the Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC, for Canberra 201o, so with Neptune we can see something fishy is brewing, but never exactly what? Pallas Athena - Goddess of strategy and diplomacy, the Goddess known for playing in the world of men, advising them on strategies and warfare, a cool headed female sits at the midheaven retrograde in Scorpio. Pluto and Ceres conjunct in the 11th the house and the Moon in the 4th is strong in Taurus, the feminine archetypes seem to be very prominent.
When we consider the Cancer Ingress chart as the next cardinal ingress and the one closest to but before the election date, Neptune rises again and is also the only angular major planet. Moon in Libra moves to conjuct a retrograde Pallas Athena, indicative of restlessness and uncertainty felt by the people, the Moon moves to aspect the Sun (the planet of leaders) by trine and does Ceres command more power than Pluto here as she conjuncts the Galactic center? Something is brewing and let us recall that the Julia coup, overtaking the PM job from Kevin Rudd happened just after this Cancer Ingress and just before the grand cross eclipse, when Venus rose in Leo in Canberrra and we learnt that the redhead had taken control at 9:35 am 24th June in Canberra.
Now to consider the election day chart. As we can see the angles are mutable, changeable energy rises. What is the change we expect, a change from a 2 month old Labor Party PM to a Liberal Party and Tony Abbott, or the chance to vote in our first female PM. I think the latter is a bigger change to our system than voting in the Liberal Party, but we will have to wait and see. The biggest change would be to see the Greens win, but that isn't likely to happen. Australia is about to decide if they trust the Redhead or vote for the Mad Monk. The redhead by the way is unmarried, has no children, came from a modest home in the suburbs of Melbourne and oh my God, says she doesn't believe in God. How refreshing is that? Haven't we had enough of politicians, praying to God on behalf of us all as they signs, bills, pass laws and send men to war in the name of WHO? Not mention family values and fidelity and how good and gracious they all are. Tony Abbott is the opposite, he prays or is religious or something, comes from the private school elite set, is a family man(nothing wrong with that), a traditionalist a man of the past, he has no original idea in him. The day has come to ditch the many superficial values that our politicians have represented to us for way too long now, we can see straight through it, at least Ms Gillard has the guts to say it as it is, not rush off and get married or pretend all is just how it is expected to be on the home front.
The election Day chart has the Moon in the feminine sign of Capricorn opposite its place of rulership, in the 4th house. As the Moon is in detriment, many consider this a bad sign for the female, but let's look beyond these medieval superstitions. I see this as a female "in da House" - the House of Government, so dominated by males for a very long time. Uranus on the descendant angle at the time of the poles opening, 13 minutes from the begining of the zero point of Aries is a hugely significant placement for an indicator of change, and not for a very long time will we have an election with the Agent of change this close to zero Aries, unless one is called next year for some bizarre reason. Therefore Uranus is very significant here on the descendant, and Jupiter in Aries here too suggests that we are all so ready for something different and new and are ready to take on a bit of risk, the unknown, I see as being Julia Gillard and not Tony Abbott.
A very fitting conjunction of Venus and Mars highlights the day, Mars rises first, quick and eager to win the race, Venus is strong in her own sign, another bonus for the Libran woman. At the end of the day, Venus finishes on top as Mars sets before her in the evening sky, could this be another clue? Mercury stations that day too, to move retrograde for 3 weeks and is the ruler of the rising sign and the MC and closely aspects the Moon, the people align with changing direction and changing times. It's very signifcant for Mercury to station rx that day but I see it as a changeable dynamic, indicating a shift in expected direction, which of course depends what angle you look at it from, whereas I've noted, I think the Julia win is more of a significant shift for the nation than the Liberal win. The Sun opposes Neptune and Pluto is at the IC in the 4th, further indications of a transformation to the system.
What would be our greatest transformation? A female, non-God promoting Redhead elected for the first time?
When you read :for 5-Aug - 2010
Rio Tinto yesterday announced profits of A$6.3 billion for the first half of 2010,
The company’s underlying profits after tax for the first half of the year were US$5.77 billion, up 125% on the US$2.57 billion reported this time last year.
Rio’s net earnings increased 260% from US$1.62 billion last year to US$ 5.85 billion in 2010.
Now at least the Labour goverment did something about it, would the liberals? Australians should all be given shares to this booty, how would that sit with them?
Looking at the chart for Canberra after the polls close and the nation has voted, Chiron and Neptune rise and we wonder have we made the right decison? On this day Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are exactly square each other as Saturn and Jupiter oppose at 2 degrees of the cardinal signs involved. More signs of new beginings, at 8:15 pm the three planets line up with the angles of ASC, MC and DSC. As Julia already holds the PM job, we could see her as Saturn in Libra, Pluto is the underdog climbing up from the depths trying his damned hardest to go against the exalted Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus (hope, faith and something new please) indicate perhaps the spirit of the people, they are not sure, but ready for something else and the Moon in Capricorn, not the usually comfortable place for this feminine energy, is waxing and indicates the mood of the people, they are somehow ready to give it a go.
The Sun conjuncts Uranus and the North node for Julia that day, as Neptune conjuncts her South Node. As Saturn in Libra demands fairness and equality, this could be a sure sign that the redhead is more likely to deliver this being a Libran than the religious minded Mad Monk, I put my vote and hope in a win for Julia.
However, vote Green, we need more Green, we need to be as green as we can get and if the Mad Monk gets in - I will start a plan to secede from the nation.
Agent of Change! - Julija
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