And here is my brilliant excuse:
Writers in total desperation turn to writing stories about writer's block and film producers who are out of inspiration bring out films about film producers who have run out of inspiration.
So surely, as an astrologer in an astrological crisis... what an ingenious idea! Write astrologically about an astrological crisis! HAhaheHAha!
No, really, I am not joking about the crisis, although it feels more like an exciting adventure. Here is the break down ( or build up?):
A) I have been working with affirmations for a few years now, with good intentions. I am blown away by the effectiveness. I am becoming more and more conscious of how we can manifest reality with intention. Some time in late spring it hit me...so what does that mean for me as an astrologer? How do I effect people and the world with predictive astrology? What is really happening there? Not paranoid, but interested.
B) I am becoming more and more aware that it is not enough to use astrology to point out how the old structures in the world are being challenged, how Pluto having entered Capricorn and Jupiter and Uranus opposite Saturn, all the while square the said Pluto, are going to cause shakings up of systems political, ecclesiastical, geological, etc. The astrological systems are also going through upheavals. Now I don't know what is happening Down Under, in terms of that, but here, in Germany, the "schools of astrology" are veritable cold war fronts at times. If I say I am an astrologer and they don't react alergically , expecting me to jump on a broomstick yelling hokus pokus, then they immediately ask: which school? See that is a test. With your answer you either pass or fail the test. Are you one of "us" or one of the deluded? Now, I spent most of my grown life as a clown, so I have rather unorthodox views of things at the best of times, but I truly believe these are not times for relying on "schools" of thought. Things are shifting and oh, so alive. I LOVE the idea of Anima Mundi! Are we able to listen to what is really happening with the breathing earth and cosmos right now? What does Uranus square Pluto mean this time round? Studying what it meant in the past is an important key, but what is actually going on today, this minute? Living in the now, and so amazed by it all, seeing what fits into old patterns and what is flowing in new living forms, I had the urge to stop everything, not liable for a while and just LIVE it.
C) I am 45 years old and have been going through an extraordinary spiritual awakening and deepening since I turned 40. Whoever isn't in their 40s yet, look forward to it! It is awesome! The phase I have come to now has something to do with the physician heal thyself philosophy and something to do with consciousness, but I find I cannot just go through the motions of ANYTHING. It is like an angel solemnly holding up a mirror everytime I judge others. I start feeling the deep interconnection of I and world, of I and client, and the responsibility that comes with that consciousness. Am I talking about world events, I begin to wonder, or about me? Am I egotistical to even bring myself into the picture or kidding myself if I think I can leave myself OUT of it? This used to be easier, I used to say, well, objectively speaking...and convinced myself.
D) I was told recently by friends involved in Geomancy and earth healing, here in Europe, that the sacred spots on the earth connected to the different planets are changing. The vibrational energies used to be sensed with ones solar plexus and that is shifting upward to a vibrational heart experience. They say the organ of perception for understanding the planetary powers on the earth is now the etheric heart. I have been very involved with artistic work and research connected to the development of the heart for a long time now. I feel that is what I am connected to: heart to heart astrology. Out of the heads as well and into the hearts. As an empath, this is very interesting for me as well and I wonder if Uranus dancing on the threshhold between Pisces and Aries could be part of this new birth of what?...empathy science? Thinking about that as well, leading up to the solstice. Watching and wondering.
E) I have to confess this was added to it: I am mosying along happilly in my blinkered Northern Hemisphere astrological bliss, I mean I KNOW there is another half to the earth somewhere and I theorise about it, but I have never been there and it is so hard to imagine, when I join the C*I*A and start wondering, wait a moment what does that mean on the other side of the equator. ME , DEIRDRE the wholistic, earth is a living being, we are all connected, always consider the larger picture GOODMAN had been afflicted with enormous blind spots and not even noticed it. I knew what I had learned and I use the globe to explain things about the planets and constellations, but it was like stepping out of my body and suddenly seeing my whole self, including my back. Something that I had actually been working on for a few years now, about the life forces that surge up out of the earth on one side while summer is there and draw into the earth on the other where it is winter, took life. I could connect to the astrolgical vibrations effecting the earth in connection to the year and see the Taurus energy is something living that effects the movement of plant life out of the earth on one side and into it on the other. I could hear what that sounds like, then adding the planetary configuratuions, and, wow.
Right on top of this an astrologer friend of mine was also going through a rearranging of beliefs in terms of astrology. He asked me, dispondantly, how can astrology be usable if so many astrologers differ completely in opinion in so many aspects of it. I realised, we have maybe come too far away from the source, the earth and the year, space and time and movement. I decided I need to go back to basics, which also meant, live, experience, observe.
So, dear co-agents and whoever else reads it, this is my excuse for not writing anything worth while yet. I can work with groups of people and one on one because that is then an alive happening that they are involved with, and the results are exciting, but as soon as theory is needed, I am side stepping, humming and hawing. I feel like an expert gardener who doesn't want to come to the garden with my theories of it, my thesis. I want to roll up my sleaves and say, ok what do we have here and head off exploring...and mostly, MOSTLY, I want to celebrate the garden with all that I understand and all that is a mystery. This equinox, I will be having an intention ceremony and a CELBRATION! Happy Libra, everyone.
love from Agent 341 - Deirdre(Germany)
Make sure to Join our Intention Mission this Equinox 22-23rd September
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