To gain an astrological understanding of the Arizona shootings of Rep Gabrielle Griffords, a US judge, and others in Tucson Arizona on January 8 2011, we need look no further than the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA and the January 4 partial solar eclipse set for America’s capital Washington DC.
January 4 Solar eclipse and the USA natal horoscope

The solar eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn directly opposed the Sun in the USA Sibley horoscope and squared Saturn in this horoscope.

The Sun represents the country’s rulers and Gabrielle Griffords is an elected representative.
During a solar eclipse light of the Sun, which represents reason, is eclipsed, allowing repressed and irrational lunar energies to manifest.
January 4 Solar eclipse and the USA natal horoscope

The solar eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn directly opposed the Sun in the USA Sibley horoscope and squared Saturn in this horoscope.

The Sun represents the country’s rulers and Gabrielle Griffords is an elected representative.
During a solar eclipse light of the Sun, which represents reason, is eclipsed, allowing repressed and irrational lunar energies to manifest.
Saturn is the natural ruler of the forces of restraint and when aligned with the Sun suggests an element of self doubt. In this case Saturn is positioned in the sign of Libra, the sign of its exaltation, showing that the emotional energies represented by the nation's Sun in Cancer are tempered with the need for diplomatic judgement. The Jan 4 2011 solar eclipse square aspect to Saturn tests this capacity for judgement and restraint at this time of national tragedy.
Venus in Scorpio
In this solar eclipse horoscope Venus conjoins the Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio represents a very personal and focused expression of emotional energy, where the pain of rejection and hurt is stored for later release in the form of retribution and revenge. Venus is at 26º Scorpio, exactly opposes the Moon in the ingress horoscope for the USA in 2010.
Venus in Scorpio
In this solar eclipse horoscope Venus conjoins the Ascendant. Venus in Scorpio represents a very personal and focused expression of emotional energy, where the pain of rejection and hurt is stored for later release in the form of retribution and revenge. Venus is at 26º Scorpio, exactly opposes the Moon in the ingress horoscope for the USA in 2010.
In the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon makes an exact square to Neptune which is in the 8th house of death. Saturn is the 8th house ruler placed in a powerful position conjunct the base of the horoscope (called the ‘IC’).
This connection between Venus in the solar eclipse horoscope for the USA and the Moon-Neptune square in the ingress horoscope for the USA is significant.
The solar eclipse and the shooting
Students of astrology who have studied antiscia (planetary shadows across the solstice axis) will notice that the eclipse point at 13.39 Capricorn is exactly conjunct by antiscia the Midheaven of the Arizona Shooting horoscope. Antiscia have an association with hidden energies and the Midheaven is associated with public events.
This public tragedy has in some sense exposed hidden energies. Because this is a solar eclipse, it is the hidden lunar energies which are expressed. The powerful symbolism combining the solar eclipse with the Midheaven is a reminder of the power and energy contained within eclipses.
Meaning of an ingress horoscope

An ingress is a horoscope drawn up for a country’s capital at the moment the Sun reaches the vernal equinox, and represents the fortunes for that country over the following year. Planets which make aspects to significant points in this horoscope usually represent significant events.
The fixed star Algol
In the ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is the Ascendant ruler, which is normally considered to be especially important by astrologers. In the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is conjunct the fixed star Algol in the eleventh house. Algol is traditionally regarded as a powerful star associated with the need for decisive action. The inappropriate use of this powerful energy is associated with disaster and ‘losing one’s head’ in a literal or symbolic manner. Gabrielle Griffords was shot in the head.
This connection between Venus in the solar eclipse horoscope for the USA and the Moon-Neptune square in the ingress horoscope for the USA is significant.
The solar eclipse and the shooting
Students of astrology who have studied antiscia (planetary shadows across the solstice axis) will notice that the eclipse point at 13.39 Capricorn is exactly conjunct by antiscia the Midheaven of the Arizona Shooting horoscope. Antiscia have an association with hidden energies and the Midheaven is associated with public events.
This public tragedy has in some sense exposed hidden energies. Because this is a solar eclipse, it is the hidden lunar energies which are expressed. The powerful symbolism combining the solar eclipse with the Midheaven is a reminder of the power and energy contained within eclipses.
Meaning of an ingress horoscope

An ingress is a horoscope drawn up for a country’s capital at the moment the Sun reaches the vernal equinox, and represents the fortunes for that country over the following year. Planets which make aspects to significant points in this horoscope usually represent significant events.
The fixed star Algol
In the ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is the Ascendant ruler, which is normally considered to be especially important by astrologers. In the 2010 ingress horoscope for the USA the Moon is conjunct the fixed star Algol in the eleventh house. Algol is traditionally regarded as a powerful star associated with the need for decisive action. The inappropriate use of this powerful energy is associated with disaster and ‘losing one’s head’ in a literal or symbolic manner. Gabrielle Griffords was shot in the head.
The eleventh house is the 2nd house from the 10th house, the house of government, and therefore represents the government’s assets and support. Gabrielle Griffords was one of the government’s elected representatives.
Arizona Shooting Horoscope

The horoscope for the Arizona Shooting has the Moon, which symbolizes 'the action' within the horoscope, conjunct the Ascendant at 7 º Pisces. The base (IC) of the solar eclipse is 7º Pisces. This exact connection reveals a strong connection between the the shooting and the solar eclipse 4 days previous to this event.
Arizona Shooting Horoscope

The horoscope for the Arizona Shooting has the Moon, which symbolizes 'the action' within the horoscope, conjunct the Ascendant at 7 º Pisces. The base (IC) of the solar eclipse is 7º Pisces. This exact connection reveals a strong connection between the the shooting and the solar eclipse 4 days previous to this event.
The Moon also represents the common people, and its position on the Ascendant shows the emotional response of the American people to this shocking event.
The use of ingress eclipse and event horoscopes
Ingress horoscopes are one of the primary tools employed by mundane astrologers to evaluate the fortunes of a nation for the year ahead. Mundane astrology is associated with world and political events. When ingress horoscopes are combined with eclipse horoscopes planetary connections can describe events accurately. This is especially true in this example because the solar eclipse horoscope makes a powerful connection to the national USA horoscope.
The natal horoscope for the USA represents symbolizes the energies for the nation. The ingress chart shows how these energies express over the coming year. The solar eclipse horoscope shows a specific focus for the release of these energies. The event horoscope for the Arizona Shooting is one manifestation of this energetic release.
The use of ingress eclipse and event horoscopes
Ingress horoscopes are one of the primary tools employed by mundane astrologers to evaluate the fortunes of a nation for the year ahead. Mundane astrology is associated with world and political events. When ingress horoscopes are combined with eclipse horoscopes planetary connections can describe events accurately. This is especially true in this example because the solar eclipse horoscope makes a powerful connection to the national USA horoscope.
The natal horoscope for the USA represents symbolizes the energies for the nation. The ingress chart shows how these energies express over the coming year. The solar eclipse horoscope shows a specific focus for the release of these energies. The event horoscope for the Arizona Shooting is one manifestation of this energetic release.
There may be other manifestations which are beyond the scope of this article. Hopefully these manifestations will have a positive aspect.
I suspect that's you Agent 144 thanks for posting.