Flooding in Australia – an astro analysis
Submitted by agent 144 Peter Burns
A national ingress horoscope is drawn up for the time when the Sun reaches the vernal equinox at 0° Aries. At this point I tis travelling northward across the equator. The horoscope is set for the nation’s capital and is used to forecast events for the following year.

Since March 2010 Australia has been awash with floods. To date 4 serious events have been recorded with the Queensland crisis still ongoing. These 4 events are listed at the end of this article.
Flooding can be clearly seen in Australia’s 2010 ingress horoscope through the eyes of the contemporary astrologer and also the traditional astrologer.
Traditional view
The traditional indicator for floods is Jupiter in Pisces. One of the underlying interpretations for Jupiter is excess and Pisces rules water. Jupiter in Pisces has often been associated with heavy rain. Jupiter is in the first house of Australia’s horoscope.
The land and is crops and mineral wealth is represented by the fourth house and its ruler. The fourth house has Taurus on the cusp in the 2010 ingress horoscope for Australia. The ruler of Taurus is Venus. Venus is in the sign of its detriment in Aries in the third house (it is within 5° of the third house cusp). A planet in its detriment has difficulty functioning.
Jupiter is in antiscia opposition to Venus. This aspect is shown in red in the horoscope above. Antiscia show the planetary shadow as it falls across the solstice axis. In traditional astrology an opposition is considered to be the most negative aspect. Jupiter’s antiscia opposition to Venus brings heavy rain and flooding to the land. The latest flooding hit crisis point around the time when transiting Venus crossed the Midheaven of the 2010 ingress horoscope.
The Moon at 26° Taurus is conjunct the fixed star Algol. Algol is infamous or its association with disaster. The Moon conjunct Algol is conjunct the fourth house cusp, which represents the land farms crops and mining.
From a traditional astrological viewpoint the flooding in Australia in 2010/2011 is clearly represented by Jupiter in Pisces and its antiscia opposition to Venus, ruler of the fourth house; and also the Moon’s conjunction with Algol and the fourth house cusp.
Contemporary view
Contemporary astrologers view Neptune as the planet which rules flooding. Neptune conjoins the Ascendant in Australia’s 2010 ingress horoscope. Planets which conjoin the Ascendant are considered to be especially significant by astrologers.
Neptune is exactly squared by the Moon which sits on Algol, as discussed above. This aspect is shown in green in the horoscope above. The Moon in a mundane horoscope represents the common people. The people are experiencing disastrous flooding.
The Moon also makes a square aspect to Uranus, the planet which represents surprise, reform and sometimes shock. Uranus is in Pisces the sign of water. Uranus is working through through the water element.
The power of ingress horoscopes
Both the traditional and the contemporary view of astrology provide convincing evidence of the power and accuracy of national ingress horoscopes. From a contemporary viewpoint Neptune’s symbolism accurately reflects the current situation.
In previous articles I have mentioned the power of ingress to represent national events. My post on the Arizona Shootings is one example. Others include my successful prediction for date of the 2010 Australian federal election, and my post on the Australian election.
2010/2011 flooding events in Australia
March 2010: Heavy rain in March 2010 saw much of south western and central Queensland undergo major flooding.
Early September 2010: Floods a widespread across the state of Victoria Australia.
December 2010: Carnarvon/Gascoyne region in Western Australia (December).
December 2010 – January 2011: Vast areas of Southern and Central Queensland, an area the size of Germany and France combined are in flood, plus areas in northern NSW. Hundreds of roads closed, including nine major highways. Coal railway lines are closed and numerous mine sites flooded.
Thanks Peter
ReplyDeleteIts also very intersting that the 4th Jan eclipse chart - has Venus at the MC of this chart as well as Saturn opposed Venus -
I prefer ingress charts for Natural events too.
Also Ceres now opposes Mars in this chart. A 12
ReplyDeleteYou have got it figured Out
ReplyDeleteSaturn ruling the 12th house is key